At the age of 3 our son Luke began to show regression in speech, could not tolerate loud sounds, lining up his toys, no eye contact and having what we called “melt downs.” Our pediatrician told us she thought he might be on the spectrum. My head began going in a million directions and I quickly began researching.

A friend told us about someone her friend took their son to and had great success named Dr. Hulseman. I began reading the information on her website and immediately called to make an appointment. The appointment was a ways off but we were able to get into one of her information sessions and loved what we heard. We got lucky and got him in sooner being on a waitlist.

Luke went through years of a treatment process with Dr. Hulseman including things like vitamins and supplements that tests showed his body was lacking in, gluten free and casein free diet, specific carb diet, and hyperbaric chamber treatments. It was not always easy on Luke or us learning to take pills, not eat things his friends were eating, etc but I can honestly say it was all worth it!

The change we saw in Luke throughout this process was beyond amazing! By the time he started 1st grade the only issues that really stood out was mild anxiety and still some with eye contact (it was better but still hard for him).

Luke became what people like to call a “normal” kid. He has lots of friends and he played sports from elementary through high school. No one knew he was on the spectrum unless he/we told them. He just graduated high school and is attending UIndy in the fall to study Physical Therapy.

We are forever grateful for Dr. Hulseman and her outstanding work! She was a god send to us and our son!!